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CIB Colony Hotel
CIB Colony Hotel
Isla de la Juventud, Isla de la Juventud
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from 54.00 €/night
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Special municipality, the largest in Cuba, contained in an island located in the Golfo de Batabanó, south from the western portion of the island of Cuba. The isle has an extension of 2 419 sq km (934 sq mi) and a population of 77 076 inhabitants (1996).
Its territory is mainly plain, divided in two sections by the Lanier marshlands. The first section, the north plain, comprises the hills of Sierra de Casas, having a maximum height of 261 m (856 ft) and those of Sierra de Caballos, 303 m (994 ft). The second section, the south plain, has a carsic origin.
Its hydrographic network has a radial configuration and is represented by rivers Las Nuevas, San Pedro, Las Casas, and Júcaro. There is an abundant vegetation of semi-deciduous woods.
In the region, there is a development of cattle raising and agriculture, particularly citrics, which are an exportable resource.

01 Isla de la Juventud

 Statistics 1999
 Surface area 2 398 km2 
 Resident population 79 462inh 
 Average population 79 078 
 Female population 49,6
 Population in working age 50 894 
 Urbanization index 89,5 % 
 Population density 33,1 inh/ km2 
 Life expectancy at birth (1994-1995) ... 
 Birthrate 15,9 
 General mortality rates (per 1000 live) 5,0 
 Infant mortality rate(per 1000 live births) 9,5 
 Fecundity global rate (children per woman) 1,58 
 Reproduction gross rate (daughters per woman) 0,78 
 Inhabitants per physician 180 
 Inhabitants per dentist 776 
 Initial matricula (Course 1999/2000) 19 979
   Primary education 8 304 
   Intermediate education 8 625 
   Higher education 252 
 Graduates (Course 1998/1999) 3 803 
   Primary education 1 397 
   Intermediate education 1 774 
   Higher education 259
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